Recovery Program
The Wheelhouse partners with donors and volunteers to provide a
supportive environment and recovery tools where men can free themselves
from the grip of alcohol and drug addiction to return to society as
functional, useful and responsible members.
The first 30 days at The Wheelhouse are critical. Men are required to
stay at the Wheelhouse 24 hours a day for the first 30 days and it is
completely free to them. The first step in recovery is detox. Many
programs rely on prescription drugs to make detox easy and less painful.
The Wheelhouse takes a different approach. Our belief is that men need
to feel the dis - ease as their body rids itself of the dependence on
alcohol. We require men who want to enter our program to experience
detox in a safe environment at our facility.
Once a man completes our 30-day program, he can move into the next
phase. Participants continue to live at The Wheelhouse for the
additional support they need but are allowed to work and volunteer in
the community. They continue to attend AA meetings at The Wheelhouse and
work on their steps. The men pay a modest fee in this phase, which
helps cover the cost of living expenses.